How to use subdomains to create affiliate links

This post may contain affiliate links.

Hello fellow entrepreneurs,

When we all start at Wealthy Affiliate we begin with choosing a niche, then move onto buying a domain and creating our first websites. Then we start adding content and eventually we get to a point where we have enough knowhow to start creating product reviews and including our affiliate links.

After a while we have several good reviews generating traffic, and we eventually get to develop some favourites. These are the reviews that make us income and convert, but there’s an Elephant in The Room.

Ugly Affiliate Links

No matter how much we try to hide them (url shortening services, cloaking etc), they still look like affiliate links. Ugly!

So here is a solution that you may not have considered, but one which is very neat and tidy and keeps your main website url in the link.

Click here


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